Tag: inviolate arts

  • Fuller Alignment

    What is it? Alignment is the unimpeded relationship between two or more points. In fuller connection, points are fortified in their essence and strengthened in relation to other points. This creates a vibrant network of well-being. So it is with organizations, groups, individuals, partnerships and marriages, yoga postures and meditation.

  • Creative Destruction, Part III: Conclusion as Beginning

    Creative Destruction, Part III: Conclusion as Beginning

    (Follow these links for Part I or for Part II) Creative Destruction is a theme I’ve tried to get away from. Particularly these last few years, as I’ve worked to build a new life, in a new formation, in a place called New Jersey. But it comes back to me—creative destruction—seemingly unbidden, and trounces through…

  • Creative Destruction Part II: Economics and Spiritual Crisis

    Creative Destruction Part II: Economics and Spiritual Crisis

    (In case you missed it, here’s a link to Creative Destruction: Part I) I’m writing today under the influence of the full moon, and holding in mind the conditioning keynote of Libra: I choose the way which leads between the two great lines of force. It’s a perfect keynote as we consider the next installment of…

  • Creative Destruction: Part I

    Creative Destruction: Part I

    New Moon and new essay to share on my most beloved topic: Creative Destruction. This is the first of a series of essays adapted and updated from a talk I gave at an Arcane School Conference in New York City, circa 2016. Introduction To Creative Destruction And A Warning This is a tapestry essay, woven with…

  • Definitions


    inviolate: abiding, enduring, indestructible something so sacred or pure that it can not, must not, be violated. art: expression, creation, something made manifest skill acquired by experience, study, or observation Inviolate Art: writing as a way to reveal the indestructible, to spiritualize the manifest, to invoke the sacred one word at a time.