Tag: creative destruction

  • Creative Destruction, Part III: Conclusion as Beginning

    Creative Destruction, Part III: Conclusion as Beginning

    (Follow these links for Part I or for Part II) Creative Destruction is a theme I’ve tried to get away from. Particularly these last few years, as I’ve worked to build a new life, in a new formation, in a place called New Jersey. But it comes back to me—creative destruction—seemingly unbidden, and trounces through…

  • Creative Destruction Part II: Economics and Spiritual Crisis

    Creative Destruction Part II: Economics and Spiritual Crisis

    (In case you missed it, here’s a link to Creative Destruction: Part I) I’m writing today under the influence of the full moon, and holding in mind the conditioning keynote of Libra: I choose the way which leads between the two great lines of force. It’s a perfect keynote as we consider the next installment of…

  • Creative Destruction: Part I

    Creative Destruction: Part I

    New Moon and new essay to share on my most beloved topic: Creative Destruction. This is the first of a series of essays adapted and updated from a talk I gave at an Arcane School Conference in New York City, circa 2016. Introduction To Creative Destruction And A Warning This is a tapestry essay, woven with…